Friday, July 25, 2008

Pioneer Day

This Pioneer day will definitly be a good one to leave Utah with. My friend Kristen has an awesome backyard with a view of the SLC valley, which if anyone has been to my parents house, the view is similar, with the exception of mine being the San Gabriel valley :) . It was good times with many good friends. We were able to see the fireworks from Butlerville Days, along with Downtown and the ball game fireworks. There were many other shows that we were able to see, but those 3 being the most visible. My friend stole my camera and was trying to take as many pictures of her and boys as possible, so my pictures were very limited and I was not i very many of them....SAD DAY! But hey, the one picture of me that I did get on my camera s posted!

The view from the backyard

Nanda and I at the BBQ

1 comment:

Lisa M said...

It looks like a breath taking view. I can only imagine the fireworks.