Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rockstar nutrition consultant, who rocks and I respect tremendously (see Jared Hansen's blog) informed me that sometimes its good to drink caffeine when your body has hit a plateau. I think that is what he said-regardless of the fact, he told me to try a Rockstar energy drink this week. So Friday, I run to the market (not the grocery store-thats for all of you who make fun of me for saying the 'Market' instead of the 'grocery store') on my break (yes- I am still working on Fridays when I am suppose to have them off), I buy the Carb-free Rockstar and decide to save it until later in the evening when I am going dancing and plan on being up late.......BAD IDEA! Little did I know that my body does not do well with that much caffeine. The sad thing is that I only drank about 8 ounces. I have been drinking very little caffeine, if any in the past several months. It was the most unique experience of my life. Luckily those who I was with the most that evening, knew me and knew that I had not been drinking. I am sure that did not know me probably thought that I was drunk. was sweaty and red faced.....NOT fun. My friends more or less were able to make fun of me a lot, which I welcome at any time the opportunity presents itself. It was quite the experience. Never again will I drink one of those. Here are soem pictures of Nanda, Lindsey and I at the Taylorsville dance. Good Friends + Camera = Good Times!

Nanda, Lindsey and I rockin it at the Dance.....

Who of you have lived in the great state of Utah and have been able to experience Lagoon? If you have, I am SO sorry. Lagoon is on my list, well no longer on my list, of things to do before I move out of Utah. I went this weekend and man was it an interesting experience. One of the roller coasters was pretty scary. I think its name is Wicked. Regardless of the name, you go straight up and turn sharply and then go straight down.....I used some choice words on that ride. I am just glad that I am still alive. If you have never been to Lagoon, don't go. We got there at about 1pm and left at 5 and went on all the rides worth going on. I remember doing that at Knotts(when I worked there and got in free) but it was in the middle of the week during the off season with no lines, Knotts isnt too exciting, but it is definitely better than Lagoon.

Nanda, Patrick and I at Lagoon.

Monday, August 18, 2008

It all started with a road trip to Provo.....

This past weekend was so stinking fabulous! I loved it. One of my dear friends is home from Law School, so I was able to hang out with her both Friday and Saturday. Friday, despite the fact that all state agencies have moved to a 4 day workweek, I was still at work doing overtime. Which will be super nice when I get my paycheck, although half of it will be going to taxes! I have realized that even though I have been suppose to have Fridays off the past 2 weeks, I have still managed to work on both of those days at one or both of my jobs. This week I am determined to not work on Friday! Yet I spoke too quickly because yet again I was just i formed that we are able to work more overtime on Friday.....I'm not a workaholic (well maybe I am), I just have a lot of moving expenses coming up and grad school, so give a girl a break.
Friday night, Nanda and I made the trek down to good old Provo. Michelle’s friend was having a bonfire in his backyard. So we crashed it! we got to burn some good ol statistics and Algebra books. It was good times being able to meet new people. Despite the fact that it is Provo, it was actually quite enjoyable. Being from California, I am use to being the minority with regards to my faith and not that Provo is like that in anyway, but everyone that was at the bonfire were from somewhere else besides Utah, which was a nice change. I love being around people who are different, which is maybe why I love California so much! To be in an area where the majority of people were not from Utah and did not all grow up together was a nice change. It also did not seem as cliquish as I know some people in SLC to be. They were actually friendly and got to know others outside of their 'group'. For once in a long time I felt really comfortable around single members of the LDS faith....thats a whole other blog.

Nanda, Michelle and I at the bonfire.

Brandon, Nanda, Jamie, Michelle, Sam and Ben

Saturday was a fabulous day as well. Nanda, Michelle and I went dancing at Habits! Rock On! No pictures to post at this time. Michelle was the one with the camera that night. There was somuch more going on this weekend, but the above is anoverview of the main events.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer Activities

I have been slacking incredibly with regards to my blog and my Dad reminded me of it last night. I have also been slacking with regards to putting pictures up as well. But I have a really good excuse. Not having the internet at home poises quite the problem. To be able to put pictures on the internet, I have to first load the pictures on my laptop and then either go somewhere that I have access to the internet through my laptop for free or I have to load the pictures onto a CD and then take it to work and load them onto my blog that way. But the sad thing is that I barely have time to load the pictures from my camera onto my computer. Luckily the state has not blocked access to blogspots on our computers at work, so at least I am able to upload a blog minus the pictures. Hopefully I am able to get some pictures tonight and get them on the blog. Don’t count on it though. But it’s safe to assume that if pictures are on the blog, I actually had time to do so.

Lindsey, Nanda and I at Noodles and Company

Nanda and I dancing at Habits

Two weekends ago( 8/1 – 8/3) was fabulous! I was able to spend some long overdue time with Lindsey and Nanda (I see Nanda all the time, but I rarely see Lindsey anymore). We got to chill at good ol Noodles and Company. Nanda and I planned on going to Studio 600(smoke-free/alcohol free dance club), but that turned out to be a bust. We were there at about 10pm and it was DEAD. So we went to a place called Habits, which is also a smoke free club in SLC.

Saturday, I was able to go to the Parade of Homes. I LOVED it. But then again I love homes, so give me the opportunity to look at new homes that are fully decorated I am all over that. My cousin, Sara and I love going into model homes and this is an extension of that love! There are some huge homes out there where people have way TOO much money.

This past weekend was pretty rockin, actuallynot really the highlight of it was getting burned/tan while having a garage sale and only making $40.00 :(. I have way too much crap1 To think that I moved to Utah with what I fit in my car and now I could not even take all the items that I wanted to sell to the garage sale in one car load is sad. Granted, my car now is smaller and half of my trunk is devoted to my stereo system. Sunday was chill. Although I did get to go to my friends church BBQ, played horseshoe and tried to be a cowgirl and roped my friend who was on a metal Bull. Fun times had by all!

Things I learned this weekend.

1.) Coconut-Pineapple Dum Dum is not as good as a Coconut Dum Dum.

2.) One friend in particular knows how to piss me off to the point that I am not even able to talk to her, which is sad because I rarely get pissed off at people. I often pretend that I am, but in this situation, I really am pissed off.

3.) Some other friends know exactly what to do to make me feel fabulous when I feel like crap.

4.) Garage sales do not do as well on the East side of the SLC valley.